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5 Things You Should Know Before Getting Invisalign

July 22, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — carydental @ 7:04 pm
Dentist explaining Invisalign treatment to patient

Over the last 20+ years, Invisalign has become well known for their removable trays, discreet approach to teeth-straightening, and shorter treatment timelines. Despite that, patients often run into some surprises during their consultation and treatment. To be as prepared and informed as possible, read on to learn a few things you should know before getting Invisalign.

You May Need Attachments

Patients often think that Invisalign relies on just the clear aligners to achieve the beautiful results they are known for. In reality, additional tools, like attachments, are often needed. These “buttons” give your trays something to grip onto, allowing patients with more moderate orthodontic issues to achieve their smile goals with ease. Since the attachments are tooth-colored, they are still significantly more discreet than traditional braces.

You Need to Brush Your Teeth After Each Meal

Removable trays make life much easier, especially when it comes to eating. After all, that means no dietary restrictions! Of course, you will need to brush your teeth after each meal to prevent food particles and debris from being stuck against your teeth for hours on end. Note: try keeping a dental hygiene to-go kit on-hand – it will make this adjustment more convenient!

You Might Sound a Little Different at First

While many patients don’t experience any changes to their speaking patterns, others experience a slight lisp. Don’t worry – this is typically short-lived. Plus, you can speed up the adjustment period by reading out loud or talking to a trusted friend. In no time at all, your speech will return to normal.

You May End Up Adjusting Your Diet

While there aren’t any dietary restrictions with Invisalign, you may find it easier to eat certain foods, especially in the first few hours following your transition to a new set of aligners. While your teeth and gums are a bit tender, you may want to opt for yogurt, smoothies, oatmeal, scrambled eggs, and the like. If you’re a coffee enthusiast, then you may need to limit your intake to just mealtimes to meet the 22-hour-a-day requirement.

You’ll Probably See Results Sooner Than You Think

With an average 12–18-month treatment timeline, Invisalign can deliver results even quicker than traditional braces. Plus, since the trays are completely clear, you’ll be able to see all of the minor changes along the way!

Now you know a little bit more about life with Invisalign! If you have a specific question about the clear aligner process or want to schedule a consultation, get in touch with your dentist today.

About the Practice

Since earning his Doctor of Dental Medicine in 2002, Dr. Bikram Singh has spent his days helping patients maintain, restore, and enhance their smiles. In addition to completing advanced training from the Royal London Hospital in the UK, he underwent a General Practice Residency program at Sacred Heart Hospital in Allentown, PA. Plus, he is an active member of notable organizations, like the American Dental Association. If you have a question about life with Invisalign or you’d like to schedule an appointment, don’t hesitate to visit our website or call (919) 460-5454.